Getting ready for a year full of roundups

When the new year hit, I knew that one of the projects I really wanted to tackle was to make my habit of doing a monthly roundup even better. I wanted to provide the best designs and memory keeping tools to help others embrace this really accessible way to document their lives.

Scrapbooking, journaling, photobooks, mini-albums, blogging? Love them all. They are all great ways to share your memories. It can all feel overwhelming, but I have a system in place that I’ve been using for more than 16 years and I know it works. And it fits with any system of memory keeping.

I’m talking about doing a recap of each month. That’s what a monthly roundup is and you can make it short and sweet, or in-depth and fully illustrated.

Plan on hearing more about all of this in the next few blog posts (and upcoming video tutorials). I will also come back and add more links to this post so you can use this as your bookmarked guide to documenting your life month by month.


Here are the basics:

  • A few days before the end of each month, I will post a reminder to get you in “roundup mode”. Consider this to be your reminder for January. Be sure you have taken at least a few photos. Think about what you have done over the month. Start gathering details. I’m currently working on an idea for a reminder graphic to go with these posts.

  • On the last day of each month, I will share an image with Roundup prompts as well as a list for you to use as inspiration. I strongly encourage you to follow the prompts as soon as the month ends so you don’t forget all the details.

  • I always share my own roundups here on my blog and on my social media accounts. I usually do this during the first week of the new month.

  • I have an entire collection of Monthly Memories designs that work well for just about any type of memory keeper. I will be continually adding to this collection, but there is already a big selection of great basics to get you started.

  • Be sure you follow along here on my blog (you can even subscribe to get posts via email) and also be sure to subscribe to my free newsletter for further updates. I include a free download with every issue!

I’m looking forward to a great year of Roundups. I sure hope you will join me!

Katie the Creative Lady

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

A new free download + more pocket cards and stamps


A HUGE new collection of designs for monthly memory keeping