Katie the Creative Lady

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Can't take pictures at the event? Try this trick!

There are several events and venues that don’t allow photography. You can’t snap photos during performances like plays and symphonies. You also are not allowed to take pictures during a movie. If you love to document these events, you might want to use one of my favorite tricks. Just hold up a program or ticket for the performance and take a picture of it before it begins. In this case, I put the symphony program in front of me and got a little bit of the audience and the musicians warming up in the background.

We went to the symphony last night and got to enjoy a special program to commemorate the sesquicentennial celebration of the golden spike. I like to take pictures of the program while I’m sitting at the venue to document the event. This is especially helpful when attending something like a symphony or a play where photography is not allowed during the performance.

I also use this trick even when I can take other pictures because it’s a fun way to document the moment with some context.

It also helps you get the title, date, and details of the event recorded

And in this case, it also helped me show off that time we had super awesome seats!

You can also use ticket stubs to accomplish this same purpose. In retrospect, I wish I hadn’t covered up the name of the museum with my thumb. Lesson learned!

Remind yourself to give this a try at the next event you attend. You will be glad you took an extra minute to capture the details!