Katie the Creative Lady

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Creativity as a coping tool

Since my blog is named “Katie the Creative Lady” I’m sure you are aware that I’m a believer in making time and energy for creativity. There are different seasons in life and we all have times where we can’t (or don’t) squeeze in creative activities. I’ve been in that space for a few months now with sickness, holidays, moving, and setting up a new house. I kept telling myself that I would get back to it when life slowed down. Well, boy has that happened! Suddenly, our calendars are empty and we are doing our part by practicing social distancing to keep ourselves and everyone else healthy. While I still have plenty of responsibilities I’m grateful for my love of creativity as I know it will be a helpful coping mechanism in this uncertain time.

The psychology behind hoarding supplies during a crisis really comes down to the need and desire to have control over something in a chaotic situation. I think engaging in some creative activities can also satisfy those feelings and help us find peace and enjoyment. While it’s important to stay up on the news. don’t spend the entire day glued to it. Do something productive. Do something kind. Do something creative. You will feel so much better if you do!

I baked cookies yesterday. From frozen dough, but I still baked them. This simple activity brought some normalcy back into our lives. It also helped us take our minds off more dire issues for a time. I decided that it’s going to be important for me to have some creative time each day right now. It’s also super important for those around me. I know many of you are trying to entertain and reassure children and other family members around you. Involving them in some creative projects is a great idea. My son Alex and I are diving into several LEGO projects to keep ourselves occupied and it’s a big comfort to him. If you or your kids want to follow our fun Instagram account, you can find us at toytotheworld.

I’m also recommitting myself to blogging and social media sharing. I want to be a connection for those who might be feeling alone during this time. I figure that while I’m trying to stay inspired, I might as well share it with others. I’m so lucky to have great blog readers that have been with me for many years. I hope you will feel free to share ideas with me as well.

Today’s idea - make time to be creative. This may be difficult if you aren’t feeling well, caring for others, or just plain scared. Just do what you can, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Then take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are indeed a creative person!