Katie the Creative Lady

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December and Year-end Recaps

I finally got all of my Christmas decorations put away yesterday so it feels a bit bare around here, but also fresh and clean. So far, the first few days of January have mostly been about working on unfinished business from last year. I cleaned up Christmas, cleaned out the fridge, and completed my December roundup. I also tallied up our stats from the year (husband’s travel, Jazz games attended, etc.) which didn’t take me very long since most of that all stopped last March. I also put together a year-end recap page. It feels so good to get these tasks done!

I’ve already posted these layouts on my Instagram account, but I like to include them here as well for my readers who may not use Instagram. I also like to link to the supplies I used and that is much easier to do here on my blog.

Supplies used:

I didn’t have enough photos and journaling for a second page of the December Roundup because I want to save most of my December memories for some holiday themed layouts. I did want to do a year-end recap page though so this was the perfect opportunity for that.

Supplies used:

Have you done your December roundup? How about a year-in-review page? I know it's tempting to just move on from last year without taking the time to do these, but trust me - you will thank yourself later on for including these memories in your albums. Won't it be great to look back someday and be glad to be done with this time? I also included some of the things we are grateful for right now. More time together, less travel for my husband, and learning to give our son haircuts. Good stuff, even in difficult times.