End of a very long August + a helpful free download

I saw someone post online the other day that they couldn’t believe it was going to be September because literally March just feels like it was 16 years ago. 😀 So true! For some reason, August felt extra long to me and I’m ok to be turning the calendar page now. Before I put August to bed, I’m going to go through my roundup process. It’s so important and meaningful to me to document my world and life right now. I know so many others feel this way as well and I’m glad to have such great support for my monthly roundup prompts. Here are the prompts for August, and be sure to check out the bottom of the post for a free download to help you document Covid-19 cases for your roundup.


  • What did you watch? TV, Movies, Netflix, Plays, etc.

  • What did you listen to? Podcasts, music, etc.

  • What did you read? Books, Kindle, online, etc.

  • What did you learn? Life lessons, classes, new skills and ideas, etc.

  • What did you celebrate? Birthdays, holidays, accomplishments, etc.

  • What was newsworthy? Personal and family news, world and nation news, etc.

Don’t forget to add details about COVID-19 and recent social justice, weather, and political events.


  • Review calendars, social media posts, journal entries, etc. - I use the Momento app to keep everything in one place and then look back through my online calendar.

  • Make sure all your photos are uploaded and backed up to at least 3 places. If you use Google Photos, your photos will already be sorted by date. I like to search the month (July 2020) and then select all of those photos and create an album for them in Google Photos called July 2020. It’s not necessary, but I find it useful.

  • Gather any memorabilia from the month such as ticket stubs, invitations, programs etc. Scan or photograph them if desired and then upload them with your photos for the month. And/or put them in a file marked July 2020 if you plan to save the physical copies for scrapbooking or memory boxes.


  • Make a list of your answers to the prompts.

  • Put them in a blog or social media post, in your journal, on the last day of the calendar for that month, or on a scrapbook or photobook page. You can even email them to yourself and keep them in a folder for later reference or use a notes app on your phone. Just find a routine that works for you.

  • If you share your roundup in any form on Instagram, use the hashtag #roundupyourmemories if you want to share with others.

  • The more roundups you do, the more you will appreciate this simple way to document your everyday life!

A few of my readers have commented that they would love to have the card template I’ve been using on my previous roundups to document Utah cases of Covid-19. I’m sharing that now for free along with a pack of solid color cards to match my This Month Pocket Card set. It’s always nice to have some blank cards for journaling and this will also be a good way for you to look at the difference between my flat (no texture) and lightly textured cards. Try printing both of them out to see what you prefer. Generally speaking, I prefer a light texture but in the past I have designed my monthly cards without a texture so I want to make both accessible.

These are my gift to you. I hope you are all staying well and take a few minutes to roundup the month of August!

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London. 


How to organize and document school memories


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