Katie the Creative Lady

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a few little housekeeping items

I’ve had a few technical issues behind the scenes that I’ve been trying to work out and this post will be a bit of a test to see if they are all resolved. When I have to work on the techie behind-the-scenes stuff, it’s harder to find time to focus on the fun and creative content so I’m really hoping this will all do the trick. If not, I’ll keep trying!

Here are the “deets”

Technical issues

If you are familiar with blogs, you know that they each have their own RSS feed. This means that other services can pull from that feed for automatic updates. If you use a blog reader like Feedly or Bloglovin, they are pulling from a RSS feed. If you have been subscribing to my posts via email, that also comes from the RSS feed. I’ve always used Feedburner for my feed. Most people do because it’s free and has been around for a long time. Well, it quit working for me around the end of January. So you probably thought I stopped blogging then if you were relying on the RSS for updates. I’ve still been blogging, but Feedburner kept giving me an error that my blog file was too big.

Long story short, I finally switched to a paid RSS feed service through Feedpress. I tried several before settling on Feedpress. So far it seems great. I guess this post will help me test that out though! The bottom line is that most of my blog readers don’t even need to worry about this. I just thought I would share for those of you who might be interested.

So what DO you need to know about me having a new RSS feed service?

If you use a blog reader, make sure you are getting the latest posts. Feedly and Bloglovin are my favorites and they are free. Zapier has a list of their top ten readers if you are interested.

When you use the paperclip link in my top left navigation bar (next to the social media icons) you will be taken to this page where you can choose to subscribe to the feed via Feedly or sign up to have each post sent to your email. Then you don’t have to worry about checking to see when the blog has been updated.

Please note that this is different than signing up for my twice-monthly newsletter here. Be sure you are signed up for the newsletter either way since I send out some exclusive free downloads!

I’m hoping now that I have my feed working again, that my posts will automatically update to my Facebook page and Twitter account. Are you following me on either of those platforms?

Speaking of social media, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and planning for these areas and I want to make each platform a unique and useful place to follow me. I don’t want you to feel like you HAVE to follow me on each platform, but I want to make it worth your while wherever you do follow me. I’ll be writing more about this soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to give you my links for each site:

What else is in the works?

Well besides a total revamp of my social media approach, I’m busy working on St. Patrick’s Day designs and some special template sets that some of my customers have requested. Fun! I’m also deep diving into my own personal journaling, memory keeping, and creativity. I can’t wait to share it all with you. Thanks for being here!