Katie the Creative Lady

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The Art of Noticing

The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker is my book club's newest selection. It's an easy read and I love that each idea is shared in a page or two. Even though it is short and sweet, the content is really inspiring. I made notes as I read through my Kindle version and I now have a long list of prompts and ideas that I’m going to use to document and enrich my everyday life. You will be seeing scrapbook pages and more blog posts from me that are directly inspired by this book!

Why I chose this book:

I wanted something to kickstart my creativity for the summer, and I read many great reviews about this book. I’m really glad I chose it, and I bet you will love it, too!

I selected this book as part of my “curriculum” because it’s important to remember that everything around us can be an inspiration.

I hope you will read it through and then really apply the learning by trying some of the activities.

Action Items:

  • You can purchase Rob Walker's The Art of Noticing or borrow a copy from a friend or the library. You will probably want your own copy, though, or you may want to take notes in a notebook to use in the future.

  • I think a great way to kick off this adventure is to take a picture of the book. You can stage it like I have done for this post, or just snap a photo of it wherever it is sitting.

  • Join the online book club and/or follow along here on the blog. You can even subscribe to receive blog posts via email.

  • I suggest reading the book once, then going back through it again and making notes or highlighting the sparks you want to try for yourself.

  • Do something (or many things) that you learned from the book. The best way to learn is by doing! I

  • Share the ideas you learn about with others. Tell your family about what you are reading, post in the book club, or post some thoughts. My husband and son have enjoyed me telling them about the different ideas from the book and that has led us to have some great discussions.

  • If you have any thoughts you would like to share about the book, feel free to post in the online book club. Or you may enjoy sharing a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Enjoy the book!

Amazon affiliate links used for book and bookclub.

See this gallery in the original post