Katie the Creative Lady

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Find Your Creative Joy

Do you know what’s wonderful about little kids when they get creative? They don’t have all those voices in their heads telling them they are doing it wrong. Hopefully, they are surrounded by adults who are willing to provide the space and supplies, give them a safe environment for creating, and give them the freedom to try out whatever method works best for them. That’s the ideal, and I wish we could all have this type of experience!

When I handed my grandson Calvin (age 23 months) a paint with water book and a paintbrush last week, I didn’t have any of this in mind. But when I watched how he found his own creative joy, it led me to share this post on Instagram and then to add it here to my blog as well.

Part of being creative is seeing things from a different perpective. I bought a paint with water book for my grandson Calvin (age 23 months) and we sat down with him and gave him a cup of water and showed him how to dip the paintbrush in the water and the paint. He thought that was pretty cool, but he had even more fun experimenting with drops of water. Then he realized there was more than one paintbrush available and he wanted all of them. He was thrilled when he got a handful of brushes and put them upside down in the water cup and took them in and out over and over again. 😂 For him, that was the very best!

I think it’s important to remember that we should experience joy in our creative endeavors and not focus on what everyone else expects.

Do you let yourself have fun when you are working on creative projects? If not, you may want to approach it all from a different angle!

See this gallery in the original post