Designing Your Life - Part 2

I’m glad I chose Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans for the first selection of my new online book club, Books to Inspire Creativity. It was a great read to begin our creative journey together, but it also helped me as I’ve been thinking about how I want to manage this book club in the future. I feel like this was an exercise to try some ideas, and I will build on this experience for future selections and discussions.


Creative lessons from this book:

  • If you haven’t read my last blog post about this book (or need a refresher), be sure to check it out here.

  • Let yourself have wild ideas! Don't be too quick to judge if an idea is "good" or not.

  • Test drive your ideas. You wouldn't buy a car without a test drive. It's a good idea to "prototype" your plans and try them out before making a big commitment.

  • Don't fall in love with your first idea. The first idea is often not the most creative one.

  • You never finish designing your life - life is a joyous and never-ending design project of building your way forward.

  • The end result of a well-designed life is a life well lived.


Action Items:

  • If you haven’t finished this book, I encourage you to take some time to read it. I read it once all the way through, and then I went back and tried to apply the ideas to my own life.

  • Consider keeping a notebook or journal nearby as you read. I like to make highlights and notes in my Kindle app. If you really want to utilize these ideas, you might enjoy the workbook by the authors. Totally optional, of course.

  • If you have any thoughts you would like to share about the book, feel free to post in the online book club. Or you may enjoy sharing a review on Amazon or Goodreads.


Are you ready for the next selection? Stay tuned for the next blog post!


Amazon affiliate links used for book and bookclub.


So long April


April Memories and Easter Fun