Katie the Creative Lady

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Focus on less

A lot of creative people struggle with trying to focus on too many things at once. I’m definitely guilty of that because there are so many different projects I want to work on! I guess that is why this quote really resonated with me.

I always have plenty to do so it is tempting to try and spend time and energy on all of it. I’m trying to learn to dial in to what’s most important and really focus on that. I guess that is one good thing that the pandemic has helped me learn. Health and safety suddenly moved to the front of the line last March and I realized that everything really needs to come after those basics. Why did it take a pandemic to get me to understand that?!

There are plenty of days when I fall short of finishing items my task list, not to mention lovely little things like creative goals. But we are alive and healthy, and that is everything. At times, I say to my husband at the end of the day that I didn’t end up getting much done and he always replies with something like “you did what was important and that’s what matters”. I love him for that. We all have our unique challenges. Our family has them too. Turns out autism + a pandemic is not a great combination. No surprise there! Also, it’s worth noting that nobody I know feels mentally awesome right now. We are all just trying to get through so much right now.

So here’s a reminder for me and for anyone reading this. You are doing a good job. You are alive right now and that is what really matters. If you are trying to keep other people (and creatures) alive right now, that’s amazing. Keep going. Don’t try to do everything. Focus on less by focusing on what’s most important.