Getting started with memory keeping

Let's talk about what you need to be a memory keeper:


Getting caught up in why you can't dive in and do something you've wanted to tackle is easy. We all do it. We tell ourselves that we will wait until we have more time, money, and energy. Then it just gets harder to start. So I want to encourage you to peel away the excuses and just get going!

All you really need is:

  • The desire to record memories in some way

  • The ability to access and/or take photos

  • A way to dictate or write down words

  • A format to make your memories tangible

You don't have to be

  • an artist

  • super organized

  • a photographer

  • a writer

  • wealthy

  • someone with a lot of free time

  • a world-traveler

  • an "exciting person"

  • or even creative (although I promise that you are!)

Take that list of things you think need to happen before you dive into memory keeping, tear it up, and throw it away. Now pick a place to start. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Yes, this is memory keeping. I documented a moment and put it together in a tangible way. Just words and a photo with a simple frame for decoration. This could have also been a social media post. Or a journal entry. Or I could even make it into a scrapbook page. There are many ways to be a memory keeper.


I hope you had a chance to watch the video I posted yesterday because you will find many more ideas to help you simplify the process of memory keeping. I would also like to challenge you to pick a photo and write a sentence or two to go with it. Once you finish, you will have documented something meaningful!


Let the Digital Scrapbooking Day (DSD) celebrations begin!


How to document your everyday life with meaningful words and photos