Katie the Creative Lady

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My Published Works in Scrapbooking Books and Magazines

I haven't had many scrapbook pages published in books and magazines, but I also haven't submitted many for publication. I never seem to get around to sending them in, and nowadays, there really aren’t many print publications around. I love to post my layouts here on my blog, on YouTubeInstagram & Facebook, so I hope you follow me on my socials.

In the past, I’ve had several layouts published in online digital newsletters and even one in Digital Artist Magazine. For this post, I'm focusing on layouts that have appeared in printed publications such as magazines and books.

In my early paper scrapbooking days, I had fun sending in pages and even had a few get accepted for publication. Here's my list of published layouts:

And now, a word from our camera. My layout was featured on page 100 of the December 2007 issue of Digital Scrapbooking (by Simple Scrapbooks). It was featured in the "kick it up" section, and my tips for making photo collages in Picassa were included. This was my first digital layout ever to be published.

Sure Signs of Spring layout published in Memory Makers Celebrating Holidays Scrapbook Style (page 58). Published in 2004 so the book is a little dated but still has fun ideas.

35 Uses for Your Golden Retriever - One of my all-time favorite projects was this little album I put together for my husband in under two hours while my daughter was at preschool one morning. My hubby still loves this album! It was published in Memories Makers Quick and Easy Scrapbook Pages in 2003 on page 112. The book has become a bit dated now, but it still has a lot of great ideas.

Frugal Scrapbooking - full length feature article on page 44 of Memory Makers January 2003 issue. This might be the publication I am the most proud of. The main points were to be organized (to avoid duplicate purchases and effectively use the supplies you already have), set a budget and stick to it, shop wisely, use what you have, and remember what is important (the pictures and journaling - not the fancy stickers).

A few favorites - I used 58 stickers on a 2 page spread to document my son's favorite things. This is still one of my favorite layouts (and I did a similar spread for my daughter). Published on page 108 of Memory Makers March 2002 issue. (that's not a picture of Alex in the article)

Angels with Autism - In the September 2001 issue of Memory Makers I had 2 pages featured in the Gathering Place section. These pages featured greeting cards used for a fundraiser for a school for children with autism. My son and the other children pictured were dressed up as angels. All the children had autism so the photo shoot was quite the ordeal - but also a wonderful experience. The cards are no longer available but when they were sold they helped contribute a few thousand dollars to the building of a new school!

Most of these layouts were published more than twenty years ago, but I’m still really pleased that they were shared in print publications. I hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane!

See this gallery in the original post