Katie the Creative Lady

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Time for a memory roundup!

Now that January has (finally) ended, it’s time for my list of roundup prompts. Before I put them all together on a reminder graphic, I wanted to check in with all of you about roundups in general.

I never have to search for journaling for my scrapbook pages because of my monthly roundup practice. I’ve been answering a few basic prompts each month since January of 2006 (going on my 16th year!) and I’ve been incorporating this everyday life material into my scrapbooking to create meaningful pages that document our real life. You can answer the prompts monthly, weekly, or even daily. You can use a journal, social media, scrapbooking, or any form that works for you. The point is to capture the details while they are fresh! Here are the prompts I love the most:

* What did you watch?

* What did you listen to?

* What did you read?

* What did you learn?

* What did you celebrate?

* What was newsworthy?

Are there others you would add? I’d love to know! ❤️

It’s your life and it’s worth documenting. Take a few minutes and write down the details. I promise you will thank yourself later!

P.S. If you want to see a bunch of my past roundup inspired layout, check out my slideshow post on Instagram.