So long September

It always feels good to close out the month, and this one is no exception. As we wrap things up, I encourage you to take a few minutes to document your memories. It's a great way to capture the things you've learned, the people you've met, and the things you've accomplished.

Use my roundup prompts to write a journal entry, create a scrapbook, or simply make a list. Whatever you choose to do, I encourage you to take some time to document your memories. It's a great way to stay connected to your past and appreciate all you have.

Remember, the more you document your memories, the easier it will become!


This year, I’m using a more visual approach for the prompts and I will turn them into a reel on my Instagram feed as well. If you prefer your prompts in a list form, I will be including them at the bottom of the post.

Let’s get started!


Here’s a list of the prompts I use each month. Feel free to pick and choose the ones that you find most useful.

  • Holidays, celebrations, special occasions, and big events from the month

  • Individual and/or family updates

  • Entertainment, media, and learning

  • News and current events: local, national, international, and personal interest

  • Weather, nature, and local scenery

  • Foods you ate, cooking, and restaurants

  • Travels, adventures, play, hobbies, and favorite finds

What to do with your roundup? Compile all the details and record them in a:

  • journal

  • blog post

  • social media post

  • photo collage

  • scrapbook page

Remember that roundups are even better when you include photos!


October and Halloween Memories + DSD sale


August 2023 Memory Roundup