My word for 2023 - STEPS

Do you pick a word for the year? Ali Edwards has inspired me to choose One Little Word every year since 2008. It’s become a really special tradition and every member of our family chooses their own word as well.

I have chosen the word STEPS for this year's one little word. I often spend weeks thinking about which word to select, and sometimes it's a real struggle. Not this time; I knew this word was exactly the right one.

Of course, it has a lot to do with my leg, struggles, and recovery. I will literally be learning to take actual steps again in just a few days. But one of the things I love about this word is that it has multiple applications in my life.

I decided to put together some inspirational images to help me use this word in my life and now I’m feeling so excited to take the steps I need and want to take. I’m thinking that a mini-album might be just the thing to help me keep this word front and center throughout the year.


I’m excited to step into the new year!


Got my December roudup done


Time to roundup December