Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

December and Holiday Memories

I’m releasing my December designs a little early to help you get ahead on your holiday memory keeping. Whether you document each day of December or just the big highlights, it helps to have the supplies ready to go ahead of time to make the most of your time during a season filled with memory-making.

I’m excited to use these for my photobooks and memory-keeping projects!

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

November and Home Memories

I’m so happy that November is here. It’s a great month for making memories, and we plan to do our annual family fall fest (early Thanksgiving) later this week. I have my November designs ready to go, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

October and Halloween Memories + DSD sale

October is such a fun month for our family. We go all out for Halloween, and we also get to celebrate Alex’s birthday. I love that the days are getting cooler and the autumn sun shines on all the changing leaves and landscapes. It’s one of my favorite times of year for outdoor photography.

I hope you enjoy the coming month and all of my brand-new designs!

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

September and School Memories

What does September look like for you? How do you plan to celebrate and document the extraordinary and everyday moments? Whatever your plans, I have some fun new supplies to help you make the most of your memories.

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

August Memories and Beach Fun

I’m very much enjoying August this year. I’ve had a lot of time with family, and I’m trying to savor the last bits of summer before we head into the fall months.

August is one of the busiest months for vacations in the United States, as many people try to fit in one last vacation before school starts. I love going to the beach, and while designing the Beach Fun papers and pocket cards, I longed for another trip. I need to get a beach vacay on our calendar next year!

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

July Memories and Barbecues & Picnics

July has been full of projects for me and my family, and it has been difficult to find design time. I'm so happy to finish this collection finally. I already have several pages in my head that I know these supplies will be perfect for.

One of the things I love most about summer is eating outside. Picnics, barbecues, and meals on our deck are lovely ways to connect social activity with food. And that means more memories!

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

June Memories and Road Trip

I'm back! I'm finally on the mend after being sick with Covid for over two weeks. I still have a cough and feel pretty wiped out, but I'm grateful that I'm not any worse. I lost half a month to illness, but I'm counting my blessings. I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but I don't think I would have fared as well without being vaccinated and taking Paxlovid. I'm so glad to be back on my feet!

Thankfully, I started working on my June collections early in May, so I could finish them up this weekend and get them loaded in my shop. I'm excited about the themes for this month. Let's take a look at all the goodies!

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

May Memories and May Flowers

Let's celebrate May and the beauty of flowers! My newest designs will help you document all the joy and fun of this month's memories. I have two new sets of papers, two card packs, and some bits and pieces to help you document your everyday life.

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Capture Katie Nelson Capture Katie Nelson

April Memories and Easter Fun

Let's celebrate April and some Easter fun! My newest designs will help you document all the joy and fun of this month's memories. I have two new sets of papers, two card packs, and some bits and pieces to help you document your everyday life.

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Resources for year-end recaps

I happen to love year-end reviews because they give me so much material to use for recording our memories of the year. Of course, they are a lot more fun to read when the news is better than it has been over the past year, but it’s still important to take some time to reflect on what has been happening around us in the world. It’s also a great way to jog your memory to think about what was happening in your own life that coincided with these events. I’ve been saving links to some great resources as I find them, and I will continue to update this list if I see anything else worth adding.

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

a few ideas on documenting everyday life

Whether or not you follow my monthly roundup prompts, I hope you have a system for documenting the details of your everyday life. It might seem overwhelming during a busy month or boring during slower times, but it’s worth having some systems in place to help you capture the details.

Here are a few of my suggestions to make documenting an easy part of your routine.

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