My roundup for May 2021

I finished my May roundup and I’m happy to share the finished layout with you. I hope it helps you to see how I document our everyday life in a monthly format. Some scrappers prefer a daily or weekly spread and that’s great too. For me, the monthly approach has really been perfect!

Here are the “ingredients” of my page:

Keeping track of what happened:

  • I’ve been keeping a daily news journal in my notes app on my Apple devices. I just jot down a few headlines or important tidbits each day. Now it’s become a small daily habit for me that doesn’t take much time.

  • We ventured out a bit more in May, but still didn’t have a full calendar. It does help me to look back through our calendar, even in a slow month, so I can review our appointments and activities. It also helps to look through my camera roll.

  • I made an effort to take a few more photos this past month. I’m still not back up to my pre-pandemic levels of photography, but at least I made progress.

My roundup prompts and graphic are in this post if you want to use them for your own monthly roundup. If you share on instagram, be sure to use the hashtag #memoryroundup so I can see your post!


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