Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

Upcoming HobbyScool Summit

I'm so excited to be a featured presenter at this free 2-day virtual event! The HobbyScool Summit: Creativity Edition is the perfect place to learn new hobbies and skills and unleash your hidden creative talents. With a variety of classes available, there's something for everyone.

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Memory Keeping Katie Nelson Memory Keeping Katie Nelson

Time to roundup August

The end of the month is here, so it’s time to do a month-in-review roundup. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of the month and document it all to add to our family albums.

I share several prompt images each month on the last day of the month. I’m also including a link to my video walkthrough of how to document your life month by month and a demonstration of how I do my own roundups.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Notice anything new?

My new site is now up and running! I’m hoping it’s all in good working order. There are still a few things that haven’t moved over, but for the most part, it’s ready to go! The biggest difference you will notice is that I now have a homepage. Of course, I still have my blog, and a few other pages to explore (with more coming soon). I’m especially happy that my new shop can hold more products since I ran out of room in the old one.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

One more week left in August

Who else feels like the year starts going so much faster when the calendar hits September? It’s crazy that August is almost over. There’s just about a week left so I wanted to be sure to remind you to keep the roundup prompts in your mind and get out your camera to capture some everyday memories!

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

July 2022 roundup

This is probably the latest date I’ve ever finished my roundup for the previous month, but that’s totally ok with me. I’ve been busy being a new grandma and I’m very happy about that! You can see photos in my Instagram feed.

I’m glad to have July recorded now because it will be super fun for me to do my August roundup in just a few weeks. Here’s what July looked like in my world:

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Time for the July Roundup

The end of the month is here, so it’s time to do a month-in-review roundup. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of the month and document it all to add to our family albums.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Last week of July

This is the last week of the month, so I'm here with a check-in to help you get ready for the monthly roundup! I find it helpful to take inventory of my photos and memory keeping before the 31st hits. Then I still have time to capture some great moments before it's too late.

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Katie Katie Nelson Katie Katie Nelson

Mid-year check-in

The year is more than half over, so I thought it would be good to do a mid-year check-in to report and review my creative projects and life in general. It's beneficial to take a step back and look at where you are once in a while. It gives me perspective and motivation to figure out what I still want to accomplish.

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Katie Katie Nelson Katie Katie Nelson

When health gets in the way of creativity

If you follow me on Instagram, you will already know that I’ve had some health struggles recently. It all ties back to a lifelong issue I've had with my legs.

Here are the posts that tell my story:

Born with crooked legs

Missed 3 months of high school because of surgery

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Time to roundup June

The end of the month is almost here, so it’s time to do a month-in-review roundup. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of the month and document it all to add to our family albums.

I share several prompt images each month on the last day of the month. I’m also including a link to my video walkthrough of how to document your life month by month and a demonstration of how to do a roundup.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

One week left in the month of June

There’s only one week left in the month of June so I'm here with a check-in to help you get ready for the monthly roundup! I'm finding it helpful to take inventory of my photos and memory keeping before the last day of the month hits. Then I still have time to capture some great moments before it's too late.

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