Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Scrapbooking the lands of Disney

It’s been quite a while since I’ve had new designs to release, so I’m really excited to unveil my “Lands” collection! Mouse Land, Future Land, and Adventure Land will give you so many options for scrapbooking your theme park vacations and happy memories. Let me show you all the fun!

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

The Art of Noticing

The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker is my book club's newest selection. It's an easy read and I love that each idea is shared in a page or two. Even though it is short and sweet, the content is really inspiring. I made notes as I read through my Kindle version and I now have a long list of prompts and ideas that I’m going to use to document and enrich my everyday life. You will see scrapbook pages and more blog posts from me that are directly inspired by this book!

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Let’s roundup May!

As the month of May comes to a close, take a few minutes and gather up your thoughts and memories and document them. It’s a simple exercise with a big payoff!

Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Getting my Ducks in a Row

It’s springtime around here, and I feel like I haven’t been able to get my “ducks in a row” all year! I’ve had such an interesting and unpredictable year so far, and I’ll admit that it’s thrown me for a bit of a loop. I’ve clued in that life is just that way, but it has all been a little crazy lately.

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

My April 2024 Roundup

Now that I'm back from Grandma Land (hanging out with my daughter's family for a month), I'm finally doing some scrapbooking again. It's a great excuse to look at pictures of my cute grandsons, whom I miss so much!

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

My March 2024 Roundup

It’s May, and I’m just now getting to my March roundup. That’s perfectly ok! I still have a few from past years to catch up on as well. I don’t feel too bad about it because I have the notes jotted down in my calendars. However, it is always easier to do it when the memories are fresh. Thankfully, March was a pretty easy month to remember.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Time for an April memory roundup

Don’t forget to document what has happened this month. One of the greatest fibs we tell ourselves is that we will remember! It’s so easy to forget. Gather those memories and do your roundup while it’s all fresh in your mind!

Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

Love Your Ups and Downs and Letting Go

I’m wrapping up the last two chapters of my book club's selection of A Book That Loves You: An Adventure in Self-Compassion. I decided that these two chapter topics, Love Your Ups and Downs and Love Letting Go, were great to combine, and so this will be my final post about this book.

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

Love Your Idle Time

The minute I started reading Chapter 5 of my book club's selection of A Book That Loves You: An Adventure in Self-Compassion, I started thinking about cats. I’m not sure there is another creature that enjoys their idle time as much as a cat does. And sure enough, this chapter was filled with images of cats. Obviously, the authors agree!

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Enjoy the moment

If you don’t follow me on social media, you might not know that I have a brand-new grandson! Just 20 months after our wonderful grandson Calvin was born, his new baby brother Caleb joined the family. Mom and baby are doing great, and we are all having so much fun!

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

Love Your Unique Mind

I finished chapter four of my book club's selection of A Book That Loves You: An Adventure in Self-Compassion. This was my favorite chapter so far, and the content was so meaningful!

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

Love Being Alone

I’m exploring chapter 3 in my book club's newest selection of A Book That Loves You: An Adventure in Self-Compassion. This chapter is about loving alone time, which is really not a problem for me. I think because I was an only child until the age of 12, I feel pretty comfortable with being alone. I know that isn’t the case for everyone, though.

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