Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Books for Creativity Book Club - John Cleese

It’s springtime around here, and I feel like I haven’t been able to get my “ducks in a row” all year! I’ve had such an interesting and unpredictable year so far, and I’ll admit that it’s thrown me for a bit of a loop. I’ve clued in that life is just that way, but it has all been a little crazy lately.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Wild Fun - a new scrapbooking collection

Things are getting wild in my shop today with the release of my newest collection WILD FUN. I've worked on this one for a few months, and I love all these little animals and natural elements. I'd love to hear your favorite parts of the collection. For me, it's this little lion. He makes me smile! I also love this color palette. It has been so easy to scrap with!

I'll send out a newsletter to my subscribers tomorrow with a free add-on template so be sure you are signed up!

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

My August 2024 Roundup

Here’s my August 2024 memory roundup on a scrapbook page. My roundup grid template makes it so easy to fill in all the info and add a few highlight photos that recap the month or any parcel of time you choose to document.

We had a lot of grandkid time this month, so I felt like it was only fitting to choose pictures of these cute little boys for my August page.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Roundup Your August

Don’t forget to document what has happened this month. Gather those memories and do your roundup while it’s all fresh in your mind!

Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Life Lately

Summer has been very full for me this year. If you follow me on Instagram (and I hope you do!), you might have seen how much fun July was for our family. We spent lots of time with grandsons, time at our cabin, a trip to the Utah Shakespeare Festival, and a 4-wheeling adventure, and we enjoyed making memories every day.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

It’s Roundup Time Again!

The end of the month means it’s roundup time! I love taking time to reflect upon the past month and gather my memories.

Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

My Published Works in Scrapbooking Books and Magazines

I haven't had many scrapbook pages published in books and magazines, but I also haven't submitted many for publication. I never seem to get around to sending them in, and nowadays, there really aren’t many print publications around. I love to post my layouts here on my blog, on YouTube, Instagram & Facebook, so I hope you follow me on my socials.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Find Your Creative Joy

Do you know what’s wonderful about little kids when they get creative? They don’t have all those voices in their heads telling them they are doing it wrong. Hopefully, they are surrounded by adults who are willing to provide the space and supplies, give them a safe environment for creating, and give them the freedom to try out whatever method works best for them. That’s the ideal, and I wish we could all have this type of experience!

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

June Roundup Time

I love roundup time. Every time I look back over the past month, I’m amazed at how many little details I’ve already forgotten. It’s so important to document our memories while they are still fresh!

Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Disneyland 2023 Scrapbook Page for Adventureland

I’m on a roll with scrapbooking three days in a row! For me, the hardest part is getting started. Once I get going, I usually find my momentum. I loved putting together this Adventureland page but struggled with it for a while because I didn’t have enough photos to fill all the spaces. Pocket cards are great for this, and I also found a few scenic pictures from an old CD of photos I bought at Disneyland in 2010. How’s that for being resourceful?‍

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Disneyland 2023 Scrapbook Pages for Tomorrowland

I’m back with a single-page layout for our Tomorrowland memories from our 2023 trip to Disneyland. Tomorrowland has some of our favorite rides. Alex loves the Star Tours ride, and Riley has always loved Space Mountain. However, she didn’t get to ride it on this trip since she was an expectant mother.‍

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Disneyland 2023 Scrapbook Pages

It’s been quite a while since I’ve had new designs to release, so I’m really excited to unveil my “Lands” collection! Mouse Land, Future Land, and Adventure Land will give you so many options for scrapbooking your theme park vacations and happy memories. Let me show you all the fun!

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