Post-surgery report
I mentioned in my last post that I would be having surgery and I’m happy to say that I’m on the other side of that now. I had a diastasis recti repair done on January 13th. My split was considered to be severe, so it couldn’t be fixed through physical therapy. In order to be a candidate for diastasis recti surgery, a patient must have separation of abdominal muscles that is greater than two finger widths. My split was 4 finger widths, so it definitely needed to be done.
What’s with the chair setup? This has been my “home” 24/7 for the last two weeks. When you ask Google why doctors recommend a recliner for recovery for this type of surgery, this is the list of reasons given:
Recovering in a recliner after abdominal surgery is often recommended because it helps reduce strain on your abdominal muscles and promotes comfort. Here's why:
Reduced Tension on Abdominal Muscles: After abdominal surgery, sitting upright or lying flat can stretch the incision area and put pressure on the muscles, causing discomfort or pain. A recliner lets you stay in a semi-upright position, which reduces strain.
Easier Transitions: Getting in and out of bed requires more use of the abdominal muscles, which can be painful and slow your recovery. A recliner allows you to adjust your position with minimal effort.
Improved Circulation: The reclined position helps blood flow more easily throughout your body, reducing the risk of complications like blood clots.
Comfortable Support: Recliners provide back and leg support, which can help manage swelling and reduce overall discomfort.
Better Breathing: Lying flat after surgery may make it harder to breathe deeply. A recliner helps keep your chest elevated, improving lung function and reducing the risk of respiratory issues.
I’m grateful for the recliner but also very sick of it. I’m lucky we had room in our bedroom to put a nice La Z Boy recliner in the corner. This has worked out well because Jeff has to help me with meds around the clock, and it’s only been in the last day that I can get out of the chair without him helping me.
I put a lot of thought into staging many supplies within reach of the recliner for my recovery time. The best thing I did was to purchase two little carts from Amazon and stock them with my electronics and plenty of comfort items. I added these cups and a few hooks to optimize the space. Another great purchase was the adjustable side table that I use for all my meals and for storing all sorts of needed items.
I give myself props for being as prepared as possible, but my recovery has still hit me like a ton of bricks. Pain is a tricky thing to manage, and the time that I imagined myself being able to sit and blog, design, read, etc., has become a basic survival of each day. So, I hope you will excuse me for not being very active here or on social media. I’m hoping I can start easing back in soon.
In the meantime, consider how you want to document each month this year. I will continue with my roundups and will be sure to post more later this week as the month comes to a close.