Hey There

Well, hello there. It's been a while. The longer I wait, the harder it gets to start this whole thing again. But I've been blogging since 2005, and I still love it. So I'm still here, and I'm glad you are too! Are you ready for a new year? I know I am.


Aren’t these wooden numbers fun? They were a cheap find on Amazon, and I loved displaying them on New Year's Eve. I didn't realize they would continue to make me happy until January. I have them on a stack of books, which adds freshness to the scene.

Speaking of fresh, that's my favorite part of January. Or any new month, for that matter. It's funny that we as humans feel such relief when turning a calendar page. We love the blank slate.

So here's to a fresh start and a new year. Happy 2024!


My word for 2024- Enjoy


Documenting December Days