A little pet humor
I spent the last week visiting my daughter and her husband, which means I got to spend a lot of time with my grand-doggy. Piper is a golden doodle, and she’s got so much energy and a silly personality. And bless her little heart because she sure loves me! She likes her grandma rubs and loves to fall asleep on my feet. Not just touching my feet, but the full body on top of my feet. That’s her favorite. lol! She likes to look me right in the eyes and then put her paw in my hands to ask me to pet her.
A funny way to start the day
If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that humor is one of my love languages. I need regular giggles in my life! Do you know what’s great? My son-in-law is the same way. He also collects these types of silly snippets and memes and we often exchange them with each other over text. I love that!
Some funnies to brighten up your day
Let’s start the week off with some giggles! Here are some funnies I’ve been saving to share here.
Let's have some laughs
I think it’s a great day to share some laughs and smiles here. I think you all know by now that humor is one of my coping mechanisms to get through life. I hope you enjoy these funny little tidbits!
Laughter makes life better
I don’t know about you, but I need a regular dose of laughter to keep me going in life. I love the feeling of a good giggle and I’m grateful to be able to have a sense of humor to help me keep things in perspective. I’m always collecting silly stuff I see online so I thought today would be a great day to share some new favorites.
Time for some funny stuff
It’s a great time to share some of the funny stuff I’ve been saving over the past month or two. I keep a folder to file these types of “important” images to and it’s getting pretty full. Let’s share some giggles, shall we?
How about a little humor?
I’m always grateful when I find a funny little meme or snippet that makes me laugh. Humor really is a great stress reliever. I hope you all enjoy some of these funnies as well!
Humor is part of creativity
I’m convinced that humor sparks creativity. When I can laugh at life, I feel much happier and that leads to good things. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably figured out that I have a pretty goofy sense of humor. It’s a great coping tool and I’m so grateful for the funny parts of life. Here are some silly snippets I’ve been saving to share.
Definitely time for some humor
I think after the past few weeks, we all deserve some humor. Maybe that’s why the Bernie mittens memes are going crazy right now. We all need a laugh! Let’s start the week off right with a little fun.