Sick with Covid

We visited my brother's family in Nevada a few weeks ago, and I had every intention of getting right back into blogging, designing, and other creative activities. Instead, I came down with Covid. My husband got it a few days later. We are lucky that this is our first bout with Covid. Somehow, Alex has remained negative! We are trying to keep our distance from him but still take care of him. It's a tricky balance.

I was starting to feel better, and then on Day 10, I got hit with rebound Covid. Jeff is on Day 9 right now, so I hope he doesn't go through the same thing. My main worry is my lungs. They are very painful. I tend to have lung issues anyway, so it's a concern. I have an inhaler, and I'm taking it easy.

Anyhoo... I haven't abandoned this place. I'm hoping to be back to myself very soon. Thanks for being here!


June Memories and Road Trip


Farewell to May