Last roundup of 2021

We made it through another year! If you’ve been doing roundups all year long, this will be your final one of the year and you will be all ready for a year-in-review album or journal entry. December is so rewarding for the roundup schedule because even if you haven’t been doing them each month, you can still take this as an opportunity to reflect on the year that has just ended. There are tons of recap news articles and Best/Worst lists for the year. Be sure to save those and use them in your journaling!

I’m personally grateful to be at the end of this calendar year and to turn a new page into 2022. Here’s hoping it’s full of health and happiness!

Here it is in written list form in case you would rather copy and paste this for your own use.

Take time to document the month of December and fill in the following:

  • Holidays, celebrations, special occasions,

  • What you watched - shows, movies, plays, performances, etc.

  • What you listened to - music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc.

  • Books you read and things you learned

  • News - personal, local, national, international

  • Other ideas - weather events, favorite finds, foods you ate, memes & humor

You can do daily, weekly, or monthly recaps - it’s totally up to you. I like to make sure I don’t go any longer than a month without recording these details or it just gets too hard to remember. I’ve been doing monthly roundups each month since January of 2006. It’s my most useful memory-keeping tool!

And here’s a fun little GIF-ready template to use for Instagram stories if you want to play along. I’ll be sharing mine in my Instagram stories tomorrow and will also save it to my highlights. If you need tips for how to use this template, check out this previous post.

Have fun doing your roundup!

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

My December 2021 roundup


Resources for year-end recaps