memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Last roundup of 2021

We made it through another year! If you’ve been doing roundups all year long, this will be your final one of the year and you will be all ready for a year-in-review album or journal entry. December is so rewarding for the roundup schedule because even if you haven’t been doing them each month, you can still take this as an opportunity to reflect on the year that has just ended. There are tons of recap news articles and Best/Worst lists for the year. Be sure to save those and use them in your journaling!

I’m personally grateful to be at the end of this calendar year and to turn a new page into 2022. Here’s hoping it’s full of health and happiness!

Now I’m ready to use my roundup prompts to document the month. I also love creating scrapbook layouts using these topics, but there is no right or wrong way to do this. Just record the main events of November and find somewhere to share and enjoy them!

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Thinking about documenting December

I’ve never done a full December Daily album or made it through a daily documenting of the month of December. I have definitely created a lot of holiday layouts with plenty of December pages. I’m honestly happy with the approach I’ve taken over the years and I’m grateful for all of the December memories I have taken the time to document. Even if I don’t totally follow along with the full December Daily idea, I get a TON of inspiration from watching what others are doing.

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

December and Year-end Recaps

I finally got all of my Christmas decorations put away yesterday so it feels a bit bare around here, but also fresh and clean. So far, the first few days of January have mostly been about working on unfinished business from last year. I cleaned up Christmas, cleaned out the fridge, and completed my December roundup. I also tallied up our stats from the year (husband’s travel, Jazz games attended, etc.) which didn’t take me very long since most of that all stopped last March. I also put together a year-end recap page. It feels so good to get these tasks done!

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Documenting December Memories

For me, the joy of scrapbooking comes with documenting everyday memories. It’s fun to do holiday pages, but I love the simple moments that come with ordinary life. I guess that’s why I love memories that happen throughout the month of December. Regular life still goes on, but against a festive backdrop. Of course, this year is an exception. I feel like 2020 will always have an asterisk by it - like *2020 and then we will have to include an explanation. Still, even though we aren’t doing much… there’s a tree up in the house so that makes it festive. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!

In the meantime, I’m having fun going back through past photos and creating holiday pages. I thought it would be fun to share a few here today.

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