Thinking about documenting December

I’ve never done a full December Daily album or made it through a daily documenting of the month of December. I have definitely created a lot of holiday layouts with plenty of December pages. I’m honestly happy with the approach I’ve taken over the years and I’m grateful for all of the December memories I have taken the time to document. Even if I don’t totally follow along with the full December Daily idea, I get a TON of inspiration from watching what others are doing.


I’m not sure if I created any December pages other than my roundup last year because - well, it was 2020 and I wasn’t feeling it! I did design a fun December Moments collection though and I made some layouts with older holiday photos using those designs.

I’m not all that sure I have much to document this year as we are still mostly hanging out at home. But we do have a few events and we live in a fun area where a lot of people decorate. This is also my first Christmas where Alex and I are gluten-free so that will be something to document. It also will be interesting to record how we are celebrating the season this year while the pandemic is still going on. While cases may be going down in some areas, they are still going up in Utah and the Mountain West so I’m guessing that will still be the case in December.

Since I’m not really sure how I will be documenting the month ahead, I thought I would gather a few resources here in hopes of inspiring myself and those who are visiting here today. I will probably use a combination of approaches, but the important part for me is to use my creativity in a way that will make the holiday season more enjoyable for me and my family. No big stress with this project, just something fun!


December Documenting Inspiration:

  • Altered book journal - I started this a few years ago and only completed a few pages. It would be fun to keep adding to it over the years.

  • Digital mixed media holiday pages - I love playing around with digital mixed media! Art journals are lots of fun to work on!

  • Digital scrapbook layouts to add to our photobook albums - I love adding seasonal pages to our ongoing albums and will definitely continue to work on these type of layouts.

  • I will still keep our holiday cards and add this year’s bundle to our collection.

  • Shannon Manton has a great series of guest posts on Ali Edwards’ blog about prepping digital pages. I’m bookmarking this post with videos for future reference.

  • I’m following Ali’s official December Daily Instagram account so I get to see festive projects in my feed.

  • I’ve created a Pinterest board just for December Daily inspiration so be sure to follow the board here.

  • Set a reminder to take a photo each day. Then you will have one memory captured for each day of December.

  • Follow a photo prompt list for the month of December. There are so many good ones!

  • And be sure to do your December Roundup!

Do you have other ideas or resources? I’d love to know!


Katie the Creative Lady

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

Adulting Accomplishments Stickers + Digital Scrapbooking Collection


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