November is on the way out

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and December is only a week away. The holiday season is here and I want to be sure to keep up on documenting everyday life before it all gets too hectic.


Need some inspiration?

  • Review the prompts I post on the last day of each month and think about how you want to document these memories.

  • Look over your social media accounts and make notes of important memories you've shared.

  • Go through the photos you've taken this month and find your favorites.

  • If you haven't taken as many pictures as you would like, be sure to snap some more before the month is over!

  • You might enjoy doing some preliminary planning for a month-in-review layout or collage. I love to use my Monthly Memories collection designed to help you document the memories of each month.


Looking for a few more ideas? Try these tips!


• FOOD - document special dinners (Thanksgiving in the U.S.) and take pictures of everyday meals and snacks.

• FAMILY - Do you have updated family photos? Make sure to get group family photos at least once a year. They are also great for holiday cards in December.

BOOKS - keep track of the books you read using list or an app like Goodreads.


Documenting Magical Memories


Holiday shopping - the enabler post