Roundup Grid Template Set
I started working on my January Roundup and ended up designing a new template set! I envisioned a framework that would allow me to easily change heading titles, as I don’t always report on the same categories each month. I’m excited about how this turned out! Not only can you swap the wording, but you can even change the color of each heading background. There’s plenty of room for written details and spaces for accompanying pocket cards and photos.
Here’s my layout:
Layout by Katie. Roundup Grid template and Setting Goals paper pack.
And here’s page 2:
Layout by Katie. Roundup Grid template and Setting Goals paper pack and pocket cards.
The grid framework made it so easy to roundup the memories of the month! I’m offering this set at a big discount for the next week to help you get started on your own roundup and scrapbooking projects.
Enjoy working on your roundup!