Life Lately

Summer has been very full for me this year. If you follow me on Instagram (and I hope you do!), you might have seen how much fun July was for our family. We spent lots of time with grandsons, time at our cabin, a trip to the Utah Shakespeare Festival, and a 4-wheeling adventure, and we enjoyed making memories every day.


August has also been a lot of fun. Our oldest grandson Calvin turned two years old and we threw him a family birthday celebration with a safari animal theme. Our newest grandson Caleb is now four months old and is all smiles. I’m one lucky grandma to have these two cuties in my life!

Suddenly, August is almost halfway over, and I’m feeling like I want to slow it all down a bit. That’s probably wishful thinking as we have several events on the horizon. Here are a few of the things that are on my mind and my schedule.

  • My mom is having eye surgery this week for a retina issue. I hope it will go smoothly and give her better eyesight.

  • I have a few doctor appointments for my mom and my dad. I go with them to all their medical appointments.

  • My brother, his wife, and son will be visiting in a few weeks.

  • We are planning a road trip in September to see some of the beautiful sites in Utah and Colorado. This trip was my idea, and I had a lot of fun planning it.

  • I plan to dive back into blogging, social media, and design. I’ve been taking an unintentional break from all of these things lately because I simply have been unable to balance everything on my plate. I’m hoping to get a better handle on my daily life and fill my creative bucket.

I appreciate all of you still being here, and I’m grateful to have friends who check on me when I am too busy to post online. It’s nice to be missed!

I hope you all are having a great summer as well and that you are also looking forward to the upcoming weeks and months. Let’s make some memories!


Roundup Your August


It’s Roundup Time Again!