When health gets in the way of creativity

If you follow me on Instagram, you will already know that I’ve had some health struggles recently. It all ties back to a lifelong issue I've had with my legs.

Here are the posts that tell my story:

And here’s my latest update:


My recurring ankle problems have turned out to be more severe and stem from my issues with my legs at birth. I was born with twisted legs. One pointed outward, and the other pointed inward. I had to wear casts and braces as a baby. I had major surgery as a teenager and had my right leg broken and repositioned 45 degrees. I always worried I would have problems in that leg later in life since I had so much wear and tear on my knee and hip before I had surgery.
It turns out that the other leg has become the issue - likely due to overcompensating for a life of misaligned legs. Now, my left ankle has very little cartilage left in it. In addition, the MRI showed that I have tendonitis in the Achilles tendon, a ligament injury, chronic plantar fasciitis, and small bone fragments that have broken off due to multiple injuries.
I have started a daily physical therapy plan and visit a PT in-person weekly. Unfortunately, he has also found that I have even more problems with the tendons and muscles in my foot and leg.
After several weeks of therapy, he said I should use a cane for a few months so we can try to get some pressure off of the foot and help reduce the inflammation. The best long-term option is for me to strengthen my ankles and feet as much as possible. If they have to do surgery, it would probably be a fusion. So I will do everything I can to avoid that.

I’ve reached a point now where my physical therapist wants me to head back to the orthopedic specialist to check in and probably get a cortisone shot and see if there is anything else I should be doing.
On top of this, I tripped over my cane a few weeks ago and broke a toe on my "good" foot. And on top of that, I had an infected and abscessed tooth under a broken crown and had to have the entire tooth pulled. I had a bone graft, so I can begin the process of getting a dental implant.

None of this is huge in the grand scheme of things, but it has all been annoying and quite painful! I have learned something significant from these experiences: how you feel physically impacts your creativity. It's hard to get mental energy to create when you are experiencing pain. I think it's my body's asking me to pay attention to what is happening. It's been hard to do that because I have so many things I want to be working on! However, I also know that being creative is good for me. Creativity is good for mental and physical health and, according to this article, can improve motor skills, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity!


I have been tired from all of this, and I have struggled to stay creative. But, I haven’t given up! I’m still scrapbooking, working on designs, and even redoing my website. It’s just going a lot slower right now. I’m trying to remember to tell myself that it’s ok to go slow. It’s not a race. I don’t have to do any of these things, but I want to because I enjoy them. I think spending time on creative activities I enjoy is a great way to keep sane in life so I will keep on creating.

I hope you will be patient with yourself wherever you are at with your own creative journey. It’s ok to go slow, just keep going!


My June 2022 roundup


Time to roundup June