Which device do you use to visit my site?

I’m guessing you probably realize that I love to recap, roundup, and review various parts of my life. Did you know that I love statistics? I have always had a keen interest in stats and am always looking for them. Unfortunately, I had a lousy professor when I took statistics in college. That and my fear of upper-level college math kept me from pursuing this interest. So, I ended up with a degree in English literature, a minor in anthropology, and a fondness for statistical information.

Maybe that is one of the reasons I especially love the end of the year. It’s so interesting to look back at the top stories, the highest-grossing films, and the year-end numbers. I conduct my own personal analytics session and look through all of my blog stats and social media accounts. I thought sharing some of my results over the next few days would be fun.

Today, I’m going to share a very interesting set of numbers!


Are you surprised by the results? I sure was! I would have thought that the tablet number would be much bigger. I do so much on my iPad Pro! I was also intrigued by how many visitors still use a desktop computer (laptops count too). I know I love to browse my Macbook Pro because I hook it up to a large monitor, and I have a nice, comfy setup at my desk. But I figured I was kind of “old school” this way. Glad to know I’m not the only one!

So, I’m curious to know how you are reading this post right now. How about a super short survey to capture the statistics for this one post?


Thanks for answering!


Where my readers are located


My favorite physical vision board