Where my readers are located

Continuing with my statistical recap 2023, let’s look at where my readers are located. I only check this data once or twice a year, and I know that 2023 was the first time that Canada and the UK dropped behind Sweden. Historically, my greatest number of readers have come from the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia. Let’s hear it for Sweden and the Philippines moving up! I just realized that the dark blue slice of the pie doesn’t show a name and percentage. It’s supposed to be Australia at 3.1%


I was curious to explore what countries made up the “other” section. Here’s a list of most of the other countries that have visitors to my blog. They are in descending order of the percentage of visits.


Then I decided it would be interesting to look at the United States a little more closely. Here’s a list of the top 20 states with the most visitors to my site. California won it by a landslide. The top three states on my list correspond exactly to the top three most populated states in America. Then it changes quite a bit and doesn’t really follow population numbers. I was happy to see my home state of Utah at #6 on the list. In population numbers, Utah ranks #30 in the United States.


Wherever you are in the world today, thanks for visiting me online!


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