My One Little Word for 2020

One of the things I most look forward to about a new calendar year is choosing a new word to focus on. I’ve been following Ali Edwards’ inspiration for choosing one word to guide my year since 2008.

Here are my past words:

2008 – Create

2009 – Learn

2010 – Do

2011 – Healthy

2012 – Nourish

2013 – Refresh & Renew (a phrase instead of a word)

2014 - Forward

2015 - Focus

2016 - Progress

2017 - Complete

2018 - Ready

2019 - Story

Each one of these words has been special for me and has helped me stretch and grow in new ways. I’m especially excited for the word I’ve chosen for 2020.

Definition of thrive (from Merriam-Webster)

1: to grow vigorously FLOURISH

2: to gain in wealth or possessions PROSPER

3: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances

I don’t want to just survive this year, I want to thrive. I want to take the lessons I’ve learned and really apply them. I’m excited to grow and progress. I want to help my family thrive as well.

Have you chosen a word? I personally love this tradition and look forward to it each year.

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.



Welcome 2020