Welcome 2020

A new year means a clean slate and a fresh outlook. This is true for me personally, and also for my blog. I love the time of year when one calendar closes and the next one begins. So much to recap and savor. Even more to look forward to!

This quote felt like the right one to begin this journey of a new year.

Approach the new year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day. - Michael Josephson

I started this little blog in the fall of 2005. That means I’m heading into my 15th year of blogging. I would have never thought I could keep this going so long! The amazing thing is I still have ideas and dreams for this space. I’m just hoping I can keep up with them. It’s going to be a really big year for our family. We are starting it off by moving in a few weeks. We’ve been working on building a home for quite some time and now the closing is finally upon us. The trick will be to try and keep some creative time for myself during all of the chaos. Even trickier will be finding the energy to post about it. I look forward to the challenge and appreciate having my wonderful readers along for the ride.

Wishing you all a happy and creative new year!

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London. 


My One Little Word for 2020


End of December