A busy summer

Hey there! I'm back from an unintended blog break. I had an explosion of life events all hit simultaneously, and it has been a crazy few months. It's all good stuff, but it has completely taken my mental and physical bandwidth to keep up with everything, so this blog had to take a backseat. I've been blogging since 2005 (18 years!), and I know this is just part of a writer's life cycle. I'm grateful for the practice of monthly roundups because it keeps me on track to document our life events as they are happening.

As a creative person, once I start a new project, I immediately think of a dozen more! After a few years of being unable to do much because of my leg problems, I'm enjoying a burst of energy. I'm still struggling with ankle and foot pain, but I'm doing much better overall.

Here are just a few of the things I've been working on:

  • Traveling adventures to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Southern Utah, and the Heber Valley area

  • Selling our old cabin and buying a new one

  • Decorating and furnishing our new cabin

  • Designing a front yard project that will be more waterwise and filled with plenty of beautiful perennials. Just getting that through the HOA hoops was a big project! I enjoyed studying all the flowers and plants we will be using.

  • Planning a Bluey birthday party for our grandson, who turns one year old in a few days

  • Reorganizing drawers and cupboards and general life systems. Once you get started, it mushroom into oodles of little side projects.

  • Spending lots of time with our family. I feel lucky to be getting several weeks of grandbaby time this summer!

  • Taking care of routine doctor appointments for myself and others

  • Seeing plays at the Utah Shakespeare Festival

  • Designing digital scrapbooking supplies

  • Reading - I haven't forgotten about my book club. I'll be posting about that soon. The current book The Art of Making Memories is so good!

  • Enjoying summer, even though it's been too hot for my liking

This is a good season in my life, and I'm happy to be busy with so many fun things!


Remember your July Memories


July Memories and Barbecues & Picnics