Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

October is almost over

The end of the month is almost here, and it's time to take a look back on all that has happened. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of each month and document it all in our family albums. If you don't already have a system for keeping track of your memories, I encourage you to start one. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but it will be a valuable way to preserve your family's history.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Remember your July Memories

As July ends, it is a great time to reflect on the month's memories. I have been doing monthly roundups since 2006, and it has been one of the most helpful things I have ever done for my memory-keeping practice.

Here are some of the benefits of creating monthly roundups:

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Time to reflect on June’s memories

As June ends, it is an excellent time to reflect on the month's memories. I began the practice of monthly roundups on my first blog in 2006 and have continued to do so ever since. Creating a quick summary of the month has been my most helpful memory-keeping tool, and it has made a significant difference in how I view my everyday life.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

May 2023 Memory Roundup

May was a wild month for us with some big happenings. We celebrated Mother's Day. We visited my brother Mike and his family in Nevada. We suddenly bought a new RZR as well as a new cabin. Jeff and I came down with Covid. Highs and lows and plenty of in-between times too. All part of our story.

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Roundups Katie Nelson Roundups Katie Nelson

Farewell to May

It’s the last day of May, and it's a great time to round up your memories of this month. I started the practice of monthly roundups on my first blog in 2006, and I have kept going strong ever since. Creating a quick recap of the month as it ends has been my most helpful memory-keeping tool and has made a huge difference (for the better) in how I view my everyday life.

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