Tag Time

Some years, I’ve been on top of my game and remembered to buy festive, fun tags to make gifts extra special. But more often than not, I forget about tags until it’s time to wrap. That’s when I turn to my digital scrapbooking supplies or a program like Canva to quickly create my own. It’s a lifesaver when you need tags at the last minute! So consider this a reminder to shop for or make some gift tags. Here are some creative ideas for inspiration:

This is the best tag I’ve ever used! I think I got it in a pack of tags at Target back in 2018, and it still makes me smile.


My mom never put tags on our gifts at Christmas. I was an only child for the first twelve years of my life, so most of the presents were for me anyway, but it used to drive me a bit crazy (in a fun way) trying to figure out which gifts were for me each year. I haven’t always put tags on presents for our kids either. I would often wrap them in a code known only to me and then they weren’t sure if they were shaking their own presents or not. Funny memories!


I love to use clip art or digital supplies to make quick and easy tags.


A die cut shape of scrapbook paper also makes for a pretty tag.

It’s easy to print out sheets of tags using a program like Word, Photoshop Elements, or Canva.


You can also use pocket cards and print them out in their standard size of 3x4 or make them smaller. You can write on their front or back and use them as tags. My December Holidays pocket cards would make fabulous tags!

Monthly Memories - December Holidays Pocket Cards
Sale Price: $2.79 Original Price: $3.99

I think the December Moments cards would also be great for gift tags!

December Moments Pocket Cards
Sale Price: $2.79 Original Price: $3.99

You could even cut out the embellishment files from the December Bits and Pieces set to use as tags. Wouldn’t those trees be cute on gifts?

Monthly Memories - December Bits & Pieces
Sale Price: $2.79 Original Price: $3.99

Now it’s time to get wrapping. Christmas is a week from today!


Holiday eats and treats


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