Christmas Trees to Remember - 2020

My longtime readers know that I have had a tradition since 2013 of doing a different themed Christmas tree each year. We started this tradition when we moved into our new house and had room for a really big 12-foot Christmas tree! It ended up being a huge project each year, but also a fun one. We would have neighbors stop by just to see our tree. Of course, it’s something I’ve been thinking about all year since we moved into our new home in February. I got rid of the 12-foot tree since I don’t have a spot for it in our new place. I’ve been excited to downsize the tree project!

Well, we all know that this year has just been crazy and I certainly have not been able to go out shopping for all types of tree supplies. And even though I had plenty of fun 2020-related ideas (toilet paper tree anyone?) I decided to just go traditional and not worry about a theme. I guess the “theme” is elegant Christmas. Oh, and also EASY Christmas because I had help from a Christmas tree company that brings in the tree and all the decorations. Since I couldn’t have friends over to help me this year (missing you Leslie!) it was the right move for us at this time.

This tree is only 7.5 feet tall and I have to admit it felt a little too small at first. I’m used to it now though and love how much more manageable it is. I keep the lights on all day long and have a timer that turns them off at 11:00 p.m. My favorite part is the feathers and birch branches on top. It’s such a pretty finishing touch.

Now I don’t know what I will do next year, but I’ll worry about that when we get to that point. I’m just hoping I will be able to have people over to enjoy it by then!

If you want to peek at the previous years, here are the links:

Do you put up a Christmas tree? When do you typically start decorating? Have you done anything different this year because of the pandemic? Be sure to journal about your answers!


How about a little holiday humor?


New Year Collection + layout